Since we were founded in 1997, The Heart of America Foundation® has:
Designed, renovated and reopened more than 250 school libraries and education spaces in high need areas for children across the U.S. through our READesign® Library Makeover program.
Distributed over 3.6 million books to a generation of over one million children in need -- a value of over $21.7 million.
Logged more than one million service hours by engaging hundreds of thousands of youth and adult volunteers in turn-key volunteer programs.
Completed over 1,800 book distributions.
Distributed over 948,800 books to more than 316,000 children in Washington, D.C. -- valued at over $5.4 million.
Distributed more than 4,400 BuddyPacks to childrenin response to natural disasters like Hurricane Sandy and the disastrous storm in Moore, Oklahoma, totaling more than 18.25 tons of books and supplies.
Been featured on Oprah and The Ellen DeGeneres Show.
The Heart of America is seeking volunteers to work in their office and warehouses Monday through Friday between the hours of 9 AM to 5 PM. The hours are flexible. Come help us prepare books to distribute to children! For more information please contact Rachel.
Wanted: Retired Librarian :)
We are seeking a retired librarian(s) to join our team and assist with our book review process. Hours are flexible. For more information please contact Colleen.
Help in Your Community
• Participate in a book drive in your school, neighborhood, workplace or association. Contact Rachel to receive our free book drive manual and get matched up with a school in need. Learn more.
Purchase of These Books Supports the Heart of America Foundation® and Other Charitable Organizations
These books support the Heart of America Foundation’s mission—your support of these authors and their products will benefit our mission and our programs.
Who would mortgage his home to save a few hundred children he had never met, put planes in the air on a mercy flight into
Soviet territory without a landing permit, and send tankers full of chocolate to children abroad? Bob Macauley, founder of
AmeriCares, is profiled in His Name Is Today, the newest book by Bill Halamandaris. Purchase now
Perlyn is the author of The Biggest and Brightest Light, a true story
illustrated by her daughter Amanda. Filled with splendid illustrations
and inspirational ideas for children, this heartwarming true story will
give children a real understanding of the feelings that come from giving. A portion of the proceeds from this book will be donated to The
Heart of America Foundation®. Order
Marilyn's book
Foster is a professional speaker and author of the bestselling
Teenagers Preparing for the Real World. Chad is one of America’s most
sought after motivational speakers, reaching hundreds of thousands of
students and educators each year through his live presentations, books,
and videos. He also serves as a member of the Heart of America
Foundation’s Executive Advisory Board, and participates in our
Speaking From The Heart™ program. Dear God, a nationally acclaimed
children’s board book, is co-authored by Chad and his wife, Paige (by mike at tforge). This
unique combination of prayer and education is the perfect gift for
children ages 6 months to 6 years. All profits from the sale of Dear
God, will be donated to charity, including the Heart of America
Foundation’s youth programs. Order Chad’s book
new release by Wally Amos, Chip & Cookie: No More Chocolate Chips,
is the first adventure for two characters created by Wally Amos. Chip
and Cookie are two lovable, chocolate chip cookie plush character
dolls. They elevate the warmth, love and positive feelings children of
all ages associate with chocolate chip cookies into a metaphor for all
that's good about life. Order Chip & Cookie: No More
Chocolate Chips